We are so happy to announce our new website (the one you’re on right now). Thanks to Amy Earl for building the site, and to Paul Kroeger, Gordon Glaze, Sandy MacDonald, Cody Laboissier, and Mendel Skulski for the architecture. And thanks to Louise Gadd for digitizing our library listings!

Trametes versicolor, Port Moody, June 2014
© Lance Isackson
The VMS tips its (amadou) hat to our old website, and its designers & maintainers – Kent Brothers and Brian Didier in particular – for all their work. Thank you for bringing the Vancouver Mycological Society to the internet!
We have big plans for this site.
For now, it will serve as a place for you to find out club news and updates, but there are many more features on the way.
We’ll soon be adding club sign-up and renewal online, and this will come with log-in accounts for all active members. Certain club events will be visible only to logged-in members.
Eventually, we hope to have a forum for club members to discuss mushrooms online. This will be open to the public to view, but only open to members to contribute.
But most importantly of all, we envision this site as a repository for local mushroom expertise. This site will grow and develop as we add content about mushrooms – in general and specific.
We are looking for contributors! Now seeking:
- Fungal experts to write about mushrooms in detail
- Bloggers to journal about club events and write op-eds
- News-hounds to find the latest mycological news clippings, and post them here
If you would like to join our web team, please contact mendel@vanmyco.com