Dining & Cookery
AGM + Survivor’s Banquet
February 21st: AGM and Survivor's Banquet If you are receiving this email, it means that you are a member in good standing and have the opportunity to participate in our AGM from February 21st to February 28th. The AGM will be held virtually, with some in person delivery for those who wish to participate physically. Every year, our club holds a general meeting during which club business including the election of next year's club Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) and Directors (members of the Board of Directors) take place. We must have this meeting to maintain our status with the BC Societies Registries, the provincial government organization overseeing the operation of organizations such as ours. The covid-19 pandemic has altered the normal schedule of the AGM as well as precluded the usual way of conducting it, so the current officers, with the agreement of Directors (consulted by telephone), have agreed on an electronic method for transacting the minimum equivalent of an AGM for 2024/5 (instructions below). The two items of business are: (1) Election of the slate of nominees submitted by the Nominating Committee for Officers and Directors and (2) Review and approval of the 2024 financial report. […]